Zach Hayter Coaching

Awesome! Your Awareness Mapping Call Is Scheduled!
You MUST watch this ENTIRE video before the call!
Important: Pre-Call Preparation
Please read through all of the following, and consider your answers to the below questions before your call. This will also be sent to you via email:
What You Can Expect
One of the most important fundamental aspects of our call together will be trust.
I can only assure you that it’s safe for you to open up to me and be vulnerable in expressing what you’re going through and what you’ve been through.
The container I create to hold space for the whole of you will be free of judgement towards you and your circumstances, as I will always see your perfection.
The call will be held in privacy and everything shared between us will be kept confidential, unless you disclose something that warrants my legal duty to warn and protect individuals if there’s a threat of serious harm.
Resourcing, Stabilisation & Window Of Tolerance
I will assess you on your current level of stability, what resources you have to stabilise yourself, and your window of tolerance.
Unlike traditional counselling and psychotherapy, Compassion Immersion sessions are a direct approach where we go straight into and work on the root causes, which can in some cases be an overwhelming process for those with particularly acute trauma.
While we won’t be conducting any Compassion Immersion during this call, if I feel you do not have adequate resourcing or self-stabilisation in place, or you disclose risk of self-harm, if appropriate, I may offer solutions to you that may or may not immediately include Compassion Immersion sessions.
My Experience & Qualifications
I have first-hand experience and knowledge of:
• Recognising the links between emotions, circumstances and traumas, and how their symptoms and responses can play out in one’s life experience;
• Interpersonal relationship dynamics;
• Physical health and nutrition;
• The process of spiritual awakening and philosophies for life.
I am a certified Compassion Key® Practitioner and a practising emotional healing coach.
I have been in active study of various emotional healing modalities since 2014.
Call Time & Place
The call will go on for 30-40 minutes.
The call will be held over Zoom and recorded for in-house monitoring and training purposes so that I can provide you with the best possible service. The recording of which will be kept in a secure digital safe and will not be shared externally under any circumstances, regardless of whether or not you disclose risk.
Questions I Will Ask
1. What’s going well for you right now?
2. What’s not going so well for you right now?
3. What are the goals you want to accomplish with Compassion Immersion?
4. What have you tried before to accomplish these goals?
5. Resourcing: What are you doing or using to cope with stress or your emotions?
6. Resourcing: Do you have supportive people in your life, and if so, who?
7. Stabilisation: Do you consider yourself stable enough to confront and release your current level of trauma or stress?
8. Risk: Are you having suicidal thoughts right now, or have you had suicidal thoughts within the past month?
9. Timeline: In relation to the question, “What’s not going so well for you right now?”, I will ask you questions about your past experiences including your childhood in order to build a picture of what you could work on to improve your current life experience.
Thank You
Thank you for taking the time to go through these questions.
I look forward to seeing you on the call 🙂
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