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15 Questions To Ask A Channeler, Spirit Guide, Psychic, Medium or Non-Physical Being

I have curated this article based on my own experiences of attaining information from spirit through sources both external and internal to myself.

This article may help you if you’re looking for perspectives on the following:

  • Questions to ask a channeler
  • Questions to ask spirits
  • Questions to ask your spirit guide
  • Best questions to ask a psychic
  • List of questions to ask a medium

Please note that these questions are generic templates, and the best questions you can ask are the ones you imbue with your own essence.

Nonetheless, these templates can help spark some downloads to you in the form of ideas, thoughts and even subtle feelings, so be open to receiving while you deliberate your own questions.

I worded these questions from my own experience of asking similar questions, in order for the dialogue to run ‘smoother’ when getting a session with a conduit channeling a nonphysical higher dimensional being.

From my own personal experience, I have found that the deepest, or most challenging questions, were best answered via a well-connected channeling conduit telepathically and empathically relaying both higher-dimensional ET and terrestrial contacts.

I refer to some of the conduits I personally use later in this article.

However, every conduit is different in their background of study, vocabulary, channeling clarity, overall channeling ability.

Add on top of that the vast spectrum of flavours of both individual and collective consciousnesses that channelers across the globe frequently connect with.

So while I’ve attempted to make these questions as universally understandable as I can in English, they still won’t naturally suit every situation.

I have formatted the questions into categories pertaining to different aspects of life to make things easier and more organised, however, some questions do bleed across more than one category:

  1. Right Now
  2. Personal Identity
  3. Relationship Connections
  4. Extra-Terrestrial Connections
  5. Conclusion
  6. Back-story

Quick Summary of Questions

  1. What do my higher self and personal spirit guides wish for me to be aware of most right now?
  2. What do my higher self and/or personal spirit guides wish for me to be aware of most right now, in regard to my love/career/personal development/other aspects of my life?
  3. How many times have I incarnated as a human on Earth including this life?
  4. What is the heaviest karma, and the second heaviest karma, whether emotional or energetic, that I am carrying right now?
  5. Are there any simultaneous (past) lives of mine that knowing details of may benefit me to know about in regards to [insert current life experience]?
  6. What is/are the general theme(s) of the path I chose to take in this life?
  7. Did I decide to ascend with the planet to the 5th dimension in this life?
  8. What can I emphasise in my life during the following year that will facilitate my [insert aspect of personal development] growth?
  9. Out of my XX number of lifetimes on Earth, how many of those have I had some form of interaction with [mother] [father] [siblings] [friends] [pets] [co-workers] [apparent rivals] [etc] including this life?
  10. In other simultaneous (3D linear past) incarnations, whether on or off Earth, what sort of [positive] [challenging] experiences did I co-create with my [mother] [father] [siblings] [friends] [pets] [co-workers] [apparent rivals] [etc] that my higher self feels would benefit for me to be aware of right now?
  11. Is there a specific way that is personal between my spirit guides and me, that would help me connect with them?
  12. Is there anyone that I am currently unaware of in the physical, that would benefit myself and/or others to develop a connection with?
  13. I feel I have some disharmony in a relationship I have, what are the underlying causes of this disharmony and how could I improve the connection with this person?
  14. What is my soul group of origination?
  15. Which extra-terrestrial physical or non-physical beings or collectives, do I have the strongest rapport and connection with at this time?

Right ‘Now’

What do my higher self and personal spirit guides wish for me to be aware of most right now?

This question can be defined further to specific aspects of life, for example by adding at the end of it:

What do my higher self and personal spirit guides wish for me to be aware of most right now, in regards to my love/career/personal development/other aspects of my life?

When I first started approaching channelers, psychics and mediums to put forward questions to my spirit guides, higher self and non-physical extra-terrestrials, I had a range of specific burning questions that I’d developed a curiosity about.

However, over time having received answers to my biggest personal questions, I’ve found that this type of question consistently yields the most interesting reflections BY FAR.

I believe this is because it allows spirit to deliver to you what you ‘most need to hear in the moment’, which in many cases, is something that our egos alone do not have the capacity to comprehend.

Personal Identity

How many times have I incarnated as a human on Earth including this life?

It turned out this is my 88th lifetime on this planet, and my ego loved to find this out. It gave me a sense of empowerment and I’ve found it’s generally a nice thing to know.

What is the heaviest karma, and the second heaviest karma, whether emotional or energetic, that I am carrying right now?

What is karma? In its purest sense, it can be defined simply as action, and every action has a (sometimes) equal and opposite re-action. One form of karmic ‘weight’ that we pick up along our string of incarnation cycles whether on Earth or not, comes in the form of traumas that have embedded themselves into our chakra centres and body parts.

These traumas, stemming from either abandonment, rejection, or abuse, weigh us down. How do we ascend? We lighten our karmic load. We lighten our traumas. Personally, I have found it very useful in my own self-healing journey to be told what my primary traumas are, because it has given me a focal point to work with.

Are there any simultaneous (past) lives of mine that knowing details of may benefit me to know about in regards to [insert current life experience]?

This question can either be asked open-ended or can be specified further by connecting it with something related to what you are going through in your current perspective of the now moment.

What is/are the general theme(s) of the path I chose to take in this life?

This question can be defined further by specifying it to certain areas of life such as the theme of one’s work/career they intended to experience.

It is my knowing that while many of us have specific soul contracts, agreements, and karmic rebalancing to tend to during our Earthly incarnations, planet Earth is still a freewill planet, and as such this allows us some room to manoeuvre in terms of what we choose to do in life. What I’m saying is, nobody has one specific ‘life purpose’.

It is more so that there are an infinite number of possibilities in front of us, and as such, this is why I would ask about the ‘general theme’ of one’s incarnation as opposed to its ‘purpose’. To me, approximately 40% of our lives are predetermined, and the other 60% is the ‘style’ in which we carry out that predetermination.

We also have the choice to collapse any contracts and agreements made prior or during incarnation, so one can benefit from being mindful in how they use their freewill.

Did I decide to ascend with the planet to the 5th dimension in this life?

Something that many on the spiritual path find themselves concerned about at some point or another, is whether or not they are going to ascend to 4th density / the 5th dimension. When I asked this question, it was during a 1on1 skype channeling session with Daniel Scranton where I got to dialogue with The Pleiadian High Council of 7.

To add some further perspective to help you determine for yourself if you’re currently more aligned to the 5th dimensional frequency or not, I invite you to check out my post Paths To Ascension – Will I Ascend?

What can I emphasise in my life during the following year that will facilitate my [insert aspect of personal development] growth?

Relationship Connections

Out of my XX number of lifetimes in Earth, how many of those have I had some form of interaction with [mother] [father] [siblings] [friends] [pets] [co-workers] [apparent rivals] [etc] including this life?

All of our relationships in life are by agreement, and some are more karmically interwoven than others. Finding this information out about the people closest to me in my life has helped to bring us closer together.

In other simultaneous (3D linear past) incarnations, whether on or off Earth, what sort of [positive] [challenging] experiences did I co-create with my [mother] [father] [siblings] [friends] [pets] [co-workers] [apparent rivals] [etc] that my higher self feels would benefit for me to be aware of right now?

Yes, finding out you were once in a romantic relationship with one of your parents can certainly be an eye opener! So be mindful what you wish for with this question if you’re feeling sensitive. I received beautiful insight about how my father has been there to sort of ‘keep me in line’, my mother playing the nurturing mother role, my sister and I incarnating together as dolphins in Sirian oceans, my childhood best friend and I hatching together as chicks in Sirius, my dog Hugo once incarnating in humanoid form and we were best of friends.

Is there a specific way that is personal between my spirit guides and I, that would help me connect with them?

For example, it was during a 1on1 skype channeling session with Brad Johnson, where I got to dialogue with the 8th dimensional Sirian consciousness known as Adronis, who from his non-physical vantage point, was able to communicate directly with my personal spirit guide Zoe. Adronis informed me that I could connect with Zoe by visualising a sun with 12 rays swirling around it, as that represents the sunsets we both used to enjoy watching in my ‘previous’ life to this one in New Zealand.

Is there anyone that I am currently unaware of in the physical, that would benefit myself and/or others to develop a connection with?

I feel I have some disharmony in a relationship I have, what are the underlying causes of this disharmony and how could I improve the connection with this person?

Extra-Terrestrial Connections

What is my soul group of origination?

When your soul entered into this galaxy, you would have been a vibrational match to a certain star system, area, or group collective consciousness. Almost every human currently incarnate on Earth has explored the entirety of what the Milky Way has to offer, ascending and descending, incarnating in all kinds of places and ways, for the sake of experience.

Our human collective represents a sort of Cosmic Wanderer Race, comprised of energies representing every part of the galaxy. I personally found it comforting to be told that when I entered into this galaxy, I started in the Sirian star system. It gave me a sense of home, in that way, although I know myself as more than just Sirian.

Which extra-terrestrial physical or non-physical beings or collectives, do I have the strongest rapport and connection with at this time?

If you’re feeling lonely or disconnected from source, this question could create a lovely way to yield answers that inspire a sense of coming home. Just by becoming aware of the extra-terrestrial connections we may have, can converge timelines and expand our consciousness that much further.

Are there any extra-terrestrial physical or non-physical beings or collectives, that I have some form of agreement with at this time?

For those this question is meant for, it could open doors that your ET connections have been eagerly waiting to be explored and realised.


I hope these questions have brought value to you, and I hope they come to as much use to you as they did to me. I intend to continually add more questions over time as and when I feel inspired to do so.

Any feedback given is much appreciated.

A little more backstory on how I came to develop these questions

There seems to come a time in people’s lives when they ‘wake up’ to the knowing of them being a source energy creator being, and naturally of course, they have questions galore. Whether it stems from a social media post they’ve seen, a YouTube video they’ve stumbled upon, or from reading a book or a blog post. It just blows their mind out of proportion unlike anything they’ve ever experienced before and they have questions, lots of questions. They need answers to their new-found deepest personal questions, that the vast majority of incarnate people simply cannot answer accurately.

Personally my experience of this started back when I was around 13 years old, my friends and I found the video or movie, Zeitgeist. And that alone triggered something within me that opened me up to a whole new way thinking and perceiving my reality.

Now, I wouldn’t say the movie Zeitgeist is particularly stemming from a positive keynote, but it has still opened up the minds of many individuals across the world, opening them up to different possibilities that exist within the shaping of our own potential realities and belief systems.

A Big Gap

It wasn’t then until around 8 years later, while I was at university, that a friend of mine was heavily into studying conspiracy theories of all kinds. This then to me, acted as another trigger and I found myself heavily immersed in all kinds of ‘alternative’ YouTube videos that year and into the following two years. This exploration really led me to develop many beliefs and ideas, including that we were all being controlled by an elite world management team that did not have our best interests at heart.

At one point it got so bad, or should I say negative, that I truly thought that the apocalypse was going to happen. Although I had no information on a specific time, I still thought it will would occur imminently.

So, in 2013, I developed such a strong sense of fear that I went and purchased loads of non-perishable goods and tinned foods and even a weapon! I was in such a deep state of fear and I felt I had no one to turn to for answers.

The Beginning of Something New

Then over the year moving into 2014, I can still clearly remember an image in my mind of a webpage I had stumbled across. This webpage was a brief biography of the late great Dolores Cannon, the past life regression hypnotherapist who has changed the lives of thousands of people across the globe. This got me really excited, and so started my new focal point and direction, with many new spiritual based questions I was seeking answers for.

I certainly felt a massive sense of relief, just from looking at this webpage. I then decided to purchase three of her books, and just so managed to stumble across another book called the The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light. Not two months later, I then went travelling across the world and I read these books. This answered many of the spiritual questions within me, but it also created many more questions.

To sum it up, my mind and my perception of life and my reality was completely changed irreversibly forever. In the best way possible. It could be likened to the idea of a snake shedding its skin. Going through the Dark Night of the Soul I suppose. This whole experience that started from a place of deep ‘Atlantis is going to sink again’ type fear, to then, sling-shotting myself back into the light with such a great sense of personal growth and development that to this day I have no comparison for.

But what about the ‘future’?

However, I still had a slight niggling in the back of my mind about what was to come in the 3D linear ‘future’ of humanity. I felt like I needed answers, answers that I then knew I wouldn’t be able to get from any typical human source that relies solely on the perceptional limits of their ego.

And so, I searched YouTube once again this time looking for future predictions, and in particular channelled future predictions.

It was then that I stumbled across in an individual known as Brad Johnson of New Earth Teachings, who channelled and who still channels Adronis of Sirius. It was his video titled something along the lines of 2015 and what would likely come of it.

Sceptical Indeed

At first, I was a bit sceptical, it was the first time I had actually seen someone channelling a nonphysical entity. But then as I began to study Brad’s videos, I came to realise my own truth in the words spoken by Adronis. For you see, it’s never about the messenger when it comes to channeling, it’s about the message and how that message sits with you after passing through your own layers of discernment. The energy and the messages that were coming through Brad, were profound.

So, it came to the point where I had developed questions that I wanted answers for, and I then found out that Brad offered private sessions in which an individual could dialogue with the nonphysical extra-terrestrial being known as Adronis via Brad as a conduit.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you the very best in your path to self-discovery

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